Tick Tock

By • May 24th, 2010 • Category: Pre-Deployment

One of the hardest parts of deployment (okay… there are a lot of hard parts), is waiting for my husband to deploy. You get the dates and as they get closer that is all you can think about. This is the last time we’ll go to dinner, this is the last time we will be boating, this is the last time we will run together… the list goes on and on.

Recently, my husband left for training, which will be followed by a few weeks at home before they leave for Afghanistan. I couldn’t even think about writing a blog post because I didn’t want to consciously think about deployment.

Of course I think about it and worry, but no matter how much I think about it and worry, the time will come. And I will have no control over what happens when he leaves, how much we will talk, and the unexpected things that will go wrong with the house or car. So I do my best to force myself to stop counting the days, stop counting the hours and stop counting the minutes and just enjoy as much time together as possible.

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is in the mist of Mike's 6th deployment. This is proving to be the hardest deployment of them all.
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