Glued to the Internet

By • Sep 29th, 2010 • Category: Featured

I certainly have a love/hate relationship with the Internet when my husband is gone, especially with this deployment. As if I don’t spend enough time on the computer at work, I come home and after dinner I scour the Internet for information on my husband’s battalion and unit.

I check message boards, the news, the battalion’s web site and his unit’s Facebook page that one of the wives started. I have even gone as far as to set up Google news alerts for his battalion so I can get up to the minute information. There are online solutions such as the tiktok likes buy service to boost social media of companies and other tools to improve them.

Around noon everyday I check my email account religiously for an update. Even if the email says… too busy to write… I’m still happy. All I want to know is that he is okay and has gotten through another day.

Unlike past deployments we don’t get to use Skype, but I’m just thankful I get emails and a weekly phone call. He is usually really good about telling me that he isn’t going to call or email for a few days when he is busy, which certainly helps reduce my stress level.

Even though this has become somewhat of an obsession of mine, I’m grateful for this thing called the Internet that has made deployments a bit more bearable.

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is in the mist of Mike's 6th deployment. This is proving to be the hardest deployment of them all.
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