6 Things I’m Thankful for during Deployments

By • Nov 25th, 2009 • Category: Featured, Passing the Time

While we spend another Thanksgiving apart, I still have many things to be thankful for!

Email and webcams: I know that email can seem impersonal sometimes, but I’m still thankful that I can look forward to my husband’s emails everyday and know he is safe. At least we don’t have to communicate by letter. Webcams can be great too, even though we haven’t been able to take advantage of them during this deployment.

Digital Cameras: Digital cameras are great on both ends. I get to see pictures of my husband on the job and he gets to see a ton of pictures of me and our dog!

Military Personnel: The Marines and other military members who help to keep my husband safe.

Monty (our dog): She makes me feel safer and the house a little less empty when my husband is gone.

My great family and friends: Without them I would be lost. They provide support when I’m down, help me with the house and help to keep me busy so deployments go faster. This year I’m forever thankful for my mom, sister and best friend who came to cheer me on during the Marine Corps Marathon.

Block Leave: I look forward to the time we get to spend together and new memories we get to make when my husband gets home.

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is in the mist of Mike's 6th deployment. This is proving to be the hardest deployment of them all.
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