Military Spouse Residency Relief Act

By • Feb 19th, 2009 • Category: In the Press

The Military Spouses Residency Relief Act would allow spouses to claim the same state residency as their service member. It could make life a lot easier for a lot of military families. (Not to mention cheaper – could you imagine not having to change your car registration, your drivers license etc!)

The bill will be re-introduced on Capitol Hill next Wednesday, Feb. 25.

The legislation passed the House during the last session of Congress but failed to become law before Congress adjourned in December. The bill allows a military spouse who moves out of a state with their service member under military orders to have the option to claim the same state of domicile as their active duty spouse, regardless of where they are stationed.

To show your support, please contact your Congressman and let them know you support the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act.

is of the opinion that re-deployment is harder than deployment itself. The year Paul and I spent apart was tough, but nothing could have prepared me for trying to come back together again. Homecoming was full of challenges I never expected - no matter how many books I read!
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