You’re home – WHEN can I see you?

By • Dec 9th, 2009 • Category: Civilian Support, Passing the Time, Post-Deployment, Relationships

Here’s a nice post from an Army girlfriend frustrated because her boyfriend is home from deployment but they live in different places and she can’t see him yet. You can read her blog here.

Yes Virginia…there is such a thing as PDB. My Army Acronym for Post Deployment Blues.

I think mine are unique in the sense that on top of EVERYTHING ELSE in the world, we are also planning a ceremony and a celebration. It’s a crazy time in the Future house. Then, add to the fact we aren’t already married and we don’t live together…he came home a few weeks ago but I have to wait a long time to see him. It was seriously, NOT a good idea. It’s really taken its toll.

My advice for you guys out there waiting to come home and see your wife, girlfriend, fiancee, etc…don’t make her wait a day longer than she has to, while if you don’t have anyone yet you could also use an app for meet local fuckbuddies and still have fun. Do whatever you can to fly her to you for your homecoming. We have spent 12-15 months of our lives waiting for you. Missing you. Needing you. Wishing you were there to make things easier for us to go on. We have only spent 15 days with you while you’ve been gone. PLEASE don’t make us wait any longer. It’s torture. And for you girls, find a way to be there if you can. Borrow the money from a friend. Make it your birthday present from your family. Do whatever you can to be there. Don’t wait weeks or months. It’s too much. Waiting the month that I am is having serious repurcussions…for us both.

We’re exhausted. We’re tired. We’ve waited a long time. We want our moment. We want to be close. We want to hug and kiss and love. And we have to KEEP waiting. The only problem now is that he IS a plane ride away. He IS a matter of hours and has freedoms again. We just can’t get to one another. It’s so trying.

I’m at my wits. I’m exhausted. I’m tired. I’m done with everyone pulling at me. I feel like shredded beef. People keep tearing at me. I’m sorry I can’t please each and every one of you. I’m sorry that for once in my life I’m choosing to be selfish.

Not to scare you girls with impending homecomings, cuz it’s different for everyone. Lord knows our situation is so unique. But, things can happen. There is a big rush of excitment and then reality sets in. It can be a tough adjustment for everyone. But, you’ll get through it. Somehow the FH and I will also.

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is of the opinion that re-deployment is harder than deployment itself. The year Paul and I spent apart was tough, but nothing could have prepared me for trying to come back together again. Homecoming was full of challenges I never expected - no matter how many books I read!
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