Reintegration: The Second Time Around

By • Dec 4th, 2009 • Category: Post-Deployment, Relationships

This is a post by Brittany, an Army wife who has survived her husband’s second deployment.
You can read her blog here.

This is SO DIFFERENT than last time.

Different, and in so many ways, better. But different none the less. My husband is super-husband, a change from what I was used to the last time around. And something that I am still adjusting to. Then there is the whole sharing the space thing, something that I am definitely still adjusting to. It’s amazing how sucky being alone all the time can be, but how you get so used to it. Having somebody in my space [no matter how much I love him] is taking some time. Something that, no matter how much I love my husband and how much I am happy to have him home, is a huge change from the lonely nights and the routine that I so carefully crafted.

Oh routine. I have thrown any idea of having my “old” routine out the window. We are buidling a new routine. One that involves BOTH of us, but at the same time, as wonderful as homecomings are, they are huge upheavel of your life all over again. It takes some getting use to.

As much as I love having my husband home, I am a creature of habit. I am fully convinced that if I ever went and saw a doctor about this, I would be diagnosed with slight OCD. I love having a routine. I love having a pattern in the way I do things. I’m not a big fan of change anymore [which, I used to really be. Getting older has done a number on me!]. I like things a certain way. I have to kiss that certain way goodbye and find a new certain way with my darling husband!

Reintegration’s are hard, for both parties.

BUT … at the same time, man oh man is it nice to have my husband home again. As much adjusting as there is going on in this house, it’s nice to not be so alone anymore. To have somebody to talk to when I want to talk. Somebody to cuddle me at night. Somebody to wash my car and mow the lawn! And with no scheduled deployment in sight [like there was last time — yeah, that’s right. Before they got home from the last deployment, we already knew about this one] we can live our life TOGETHER without having to fret about what’s to come.

Obviously, with him being in the Army, that “fret” is always going to be there. But until they tell us otherwise, we are going to live our lives like he doesn’t have to leave tomorrow. Because hey, he doesn’t! That means dirty socks on the floor, the toilet seat up, and dishes on the counter [with an empty dishwasher just waiting for them!] …

Love, and life, is back in this household.

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is of the opinion that re-deployment is harder than deployment itself. The year Paul and I spent apart was tough, but nothing could have prepared me for trying to come back together again. Homecoming was full of challenges I never expected - no matter how many books I read!
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